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How many views does dog looks confused meme have?

23.1M views. Discover videos related to Dog Looks Confused Meme on TikTok. See more videos about Confused Dog Meme Template, Dog Looking at Camera Meme Pitbull, Dog Looks Confused, Dog Looking around Confused Meme, Funny Viral Dog Meme, Dog Image Meme.

Are there any memes about dogs?

We’ve collected 101 of the best dog memes from around the Internet that dog owners are sure to relate to in hilarious ways and dog lovers will be joyfully amused by. Each animal’s personality shines through in these funny dog pictures with silly faces and odd or destructive behavior. Are you ready for some giggles?

What are awkwardly staring dogs?

Awkwardly Staring Dogs, also known as Dogs Awkwardly Staring or Confused Dogs, refers to a greenscreen template of a black labrador dog staring at a brown boykin spaniel dog with so-called "awkward" expressions that makes them look shocked at something off-camera.

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